One of the teachers at Artfest, all three days, is
Nina (pronounced with a long 'i' like 'nine-AH') Bagley. I've admired her work and her vision, followed her blog and even did a
three-part interview with her for the Art Bead Scene Blog. She's so lovely to talk to on-line and so sharing with her ideas and insights into her life, I'm hoping to meet her and introduce myself.
blogged recently about preparing for Artfest and the things she's making are wondrous and colorfully vintage-feeling.

She's teaching many techniques and has a real eye for the storytelling ability of jewelry and decorative objects. The first day is
Destination: Journey - Reach, teaching making a book using treasured travel ephemera and three-dimensional objects.

The second day's class is
Destination: Journey - Touch, a jewelry-making class with a necklace to be created, how I wish I was in that class, but all of Nina's classes fill up quickly. Maybe I can find someone who's taking all three classes and get a chance to see what they create.

The last day's class is
Destination: Journey - Embrace, to create a box full of meaning and beauty. The depth of her creativity never fails to inspire me, again this class was full and I will only be able to admire the work that comes from others' hands out of this class.
If you get a chance to attend Artfest, don't delay in sending in your choices next year - the classes fill up quickly.