Monday, April 13, 2009

Trading Spirits

On the first day at Artfest, after registration and settling into the rooms, most folks head to dinner and a trading frenzy. The trading goes on all through Artfest - I didn't come home with any of my charms or mermaids - and so many lovely things are created, it's a constant source of wonder.

On that first night I sat next to another first time attendee, and she traded with me one of her beautiful pages.

The detail is gorgeous, and so sparkly and wonderful.

She told me she made the Mer-Bird (if a lady-fish is a mermaid, what is a bird-fish?) out of paper clay.

The colors and detail are beautiful, I love this kind of ephemera-stoked imagery and neutral colors.

I put the page into a cardboard pillow box that was in our goodie bag, for safekeeping and to protect all the little bits and bobbles on it.

And I wanted to show it here, it's so amazingly beautiful. I love it, and plan to frame it and cherish it as a special memento of the Artfest adventure, one among many - I'll keep sharing them here so you can see the amazing variety and special gifts that were created.

See the little tag she made and tucked into a pocket on the back, with her name and information on it? It's so beautifully worn and the color is vintage and lovely, just like her! Thank you, thank you, Kathy.


dogfaeriex5 said...

wow, this is a beautiful trade!! it is so much fun to see what you come home with, much like spreading your halloween out on the floor and pouring over it all!!

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Kim, it's EXACTLY like that ... or maybe like seeing what the Easter bunny left you in your Easter basket, LOL