Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hearts, Eyes, Hands

The experience of Artfest is more people than place.

The hands of the creative makers. The students. The sights of the soul, made evident.

The hands of the teachers, sharing.

Guiding, supporting. Directing, demonstrating. Giving.

The beginnings of new things. New knowledge, new friendships. New confidence, new encouragements.

Neighbors of the spirit, artists in kind. Beautiful spirits, united for a short few days in time and space.


susanbuchanan2 said...

Lynn, thanks for this blog and for adding my blog to your list. i added yours to mine. artfest is the best.

sharon said...

Just beautiful, I am jealous!!!

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Hi, Susan, thanks for the link, we have to keep the connections going strong!

Sharon, you could start planning for Artfest 2010, if you'd like to go it's a blast!