There was a lot of rain during those few days by the coast, but one afternoon the sky cleared and I grabbed these photos.
Down this path beside the Dorm was land's end.
The sun was even more appreciated when it did come.
There was a brisk wind, and I was glad I took my black hooded caplet coat, to wrap around me.
The waterfront was beautiful, an invitation to walk.
The Pavillion and the Chapel were down the road just a bit, but not too far to walk.
The tower looks like a storybook building.
Seen through the window of the second story of one of the main buildings, it is framed like an irish castle, it doesn't take much imagination to see yourself in a mystical magical place.
Everyone has their own set of favorite tools, stored the way they like to use them. This is a photo of the demonstration table that Nina Bagley set up on the first day of Artfest, the book class Journey: Destination.
The things they bring with them to every class, the things they reach for first.
When you're flying into Artfest and can't bring as much as you would if you had your car, with its roomy trunk, there's some deliberation to be done.
What will I need and can't get easily.
What will I use the most.
What can I leave behind, never miss?
It makes me wonder if using the things to hand wouldn't be a good exercise.
To pare down the amount that's needed, and identify the key crucial things that are needed.
They'd be different for each person, of that I'm sure.
Artfest trades are a great combination of color, ingenuity and humor.
The little box with the mermaid on the front had seaglass and this special quotation with handmade papers inside. It's a quote that strikes a note, as I've seen it used as a signature line by Nina Bagley. And very meaningful, thought provoking.
Even when folks had a similar idea, like bottlecaps or glass vials full of sand, the creativity made each one unique and different.
If you spot your trade - leave a comment. And thanks for sharing your creativity with me.
They hold a lot of meaning and memories for me of the fund and excitement of Artfest 2009.
One evening on the way to dinner, I saw deer standing beside the Commons building. In the golden light of the magic hour, they looked like ghosts of the forest.
As though all the creativity and happiness had conjured them up.
They were very tame, didn't seem at all concerned or afraid of so many people walking by.
There were three or four of them, standing in the slanting and fading sun of the daylight, wandering and eating.
I liked the magic of the moment. The Golden Hour light falling on them, casting their shadows across the newly green grass, lighting them like animated statuary.
The locations were fun, sometimes the light was better in one room than in another. But the buildings were quaint.
Linda and Opie O'Brien gave their "Set in Stone" class in the Chapel. That's Linda walking through the classroom before everything got started.
Lots of good information on patinas and soldering with a small torch to create a bezel.
The ceilings are very high, the building is very open inside. The tables set beside the tall windows helped bring in the natural daylight. Fortunately it wasn't a rainy, overcast day.
Everyone got attention and demonstrations, a lot of great useful information was shared and practiced.
Linda and Opie really know their metalworking, and can share that information, even to novice learners.
Not everyone who comes to Artfest for the first time has a lot of prior experience.
But everyone gains a lot, even those who come with previous creative backgrounds.
Some are more organized, and do a lot of preparation.
I tend to jump right in, and let things go with the flow, especially with a one-day class like these, where you must grab and experience all you can during the time available.
At vendor night I bought one of their two-hole punches, I managed to blunt one side of the Wizard hole punches I brought with me. They have them on their website. I also want to order a nibbler from them for making windows in copper.
And see the little mermaid from a trade with me? This is the lady that made all the lampwork fish for trades. Gorgeous!
Linda and Opie are quite a team, they work together to support their students, and each other, to ensure success for everyone. It was fun to hear them speak during the presentation for all the teachers in the little theater building, they are very funny. And knowledgeable, too.
If you get a chance to take a class with them - grab it!
Here are the photos of my two projects from their blog ...
It was eleven years ago, on April 9, 2010, that we closed on the house here in Central Louisiana, leaving a Midwest middle management corporate day job in the big city for a small town life with family
I have been known as a creativity-craving
left-brain / right-brain blended
artsy type native Texan
Sometimes mixed up in creativity using paper, acrylics, inks, watercolors - an expression of the mental landscape finding its way into handmade cards and coloring pages
Sometimes seeking a creative solution to aging gracefully
Currently in the 9-to-5 world at a small casual law office, enjoying the fact that family is close, the pace is slow and there's time for gardening, cooking and sewing again
- Enjoying LIFE...
With a 10-year old grandson!
And an almost 13-year old granddaughter!
And the most wonderful daughter in the world!
Artfest was a concept that consumed my every thought roughly 10 years ago. It was right after I went through a period of asking the universe “What am I here to do”. When the visions started unfolding, I was excited and scared a little. But I knew that until I set the wheels in motion, my thoughts would not leave me alone. So I stepped through the first door and 10 years later, all the rest of the doors have been flung wide open for me.
It is one way of knowing I am on the right path. The other way of knowing is the warmth and love that emanate from so many of the attendees year after year.
I am realizing in this day and age, this is needed for so many reasons. I feel truly blessed to get to be at the helm of such an exciting adventure that has made a difference in people’s lives. I was an artist with no training but a deep desire to help others be artists too. Thankfully I had a troupe of really great teachers and friends and family who were willing to stand behind me and all pulled together to make Artfest what it is today.
We work hard to create a nurturing event where everyone feels accepted regardless of where they are in their creative journey and also to show each person just how much capacity they have for creating.
Taking time out for yourself is one of the best things you can do in this busy, crazy world. Everyone needs time to just be in nature, play, be silent, gather ideas, commune with other artists, and get away from your everyday lives for a few days.
It allows you to refresh and pinpoint directions you want to go in your life. The whole experience of Artfest from the drive up, the beautiful Fort on the beach, the inspiring workshops, the caring teachers, the groups that form, and your fellow attendees makes it the perfect place for this to happen.